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Adrien Matta matta
ANNE Audrey anne
Audrey Chatillon ChatillonA
Benoît Mauss maussb
Charlie Paxman CharliePaxman
CUBERO Guillaume cubero
Cyril Lenain lenain
Damien Thisse damien.thisse
de Séréville Nicolas deserevi
Emile CANTACUZENE emile.cantacuzene
Emmanuel Rey-Herme emmanuel.rey-herme
flavigny flavigny1
GIBELIN Julien gibelin
GIRARD ALCINDOR Valérian valerian.girard-alcindor
JACOB Hugo hjacob
Mathieu EHRHART mehrhart
Mathilde Ragot mathilde.ragot
Mhd Moukaddam moukaddam
Miguel Lozano-González miguellozano.gonzalez
Nathan GIHA nathan.giha
- Dec 16, 2014
Adding calibration, config and Analysis files for testing cats detector · 8c9cda3bPierre Morfouace authored
with mask from e644 experiment