- Jun 26, 2013
nicolas authored
+ geant4 files are kept in the include and src directories + one directory is created for each detector. This directory contains the associated headers and sources files + a script directory is created with some scripts allowing the conditional compilation * Add #ifdef statements in DetectorConstruction.cc file + this applies to each detector header * Move G4MultiFunctionnalDetector.hh header from Sharc.cc to Sharc.hh
- Feb 07, 2013
matta authored
- Put 2009-2013 copyright date - Change the place of the ifndef position to avoid multiple inclusion of comment line
- Feb 17, 2011
deserevi authored
+ limit on deposited energy for each step is now 0.1 keV instead of 100 keV + this produced double kinematical lines spaced by 100 keV
- Feb 23, 2010
matta authored
- Oct 02, 2013
Unknown authored
No commit message
- Nov 05, 2009
deserevi authored
* Scorer scheme has been updated for Gaspard and S1 detector + General scorers of the NPTool package are used whenever possible
- Oct 15, 2009
matta authored
- General Scorer now use the TrackID+DetNbr index system, ensuring more flexibility. - Plastic,MUST2 and ThinSi use the same system and rely on General Scorer * Naming Convention of Detector Volume is define - Volume name should be : DetectorNameX_SubPart - This insure compatibility with the General Scorer * Correcting Bug: if no target the Transfert and TransfertToReasonance method crashed - Fixed by adding a test on the target address * NB: Further test to be made on Gaspard to check everything is fine
- Oct 12, 2009
deserevi authored
+ the index of all maps now includes the number of the detector
- Sep 01, 2009
deserevi authored