- Jan 09, 2015
de Séréville Nicolas authored
+ Update trapezoid geometry for gaspard
- Dec 09, 2014
de Séréville Nicolas authored
detector + ongoing work for adapting GaspardTrackerAnnular to the new scorer scheme
- Dec 05, 2014
de Séréville Nicolas authored
- Jul 02, 2013
nicolas authored
header and src files of each defined detector are now symlinked in the include and src directory instead of being hard copied * Remove compilation warnings in Tigree.cc
- Jan 06, 2011
deserevi authored
+ It was checked that excitation energy is reconstructed properly * Clean code in GaspardTrackerSquare and GaspardTrackerTrapezoid
- Dec 23, 2010
deserevi authored
+ D. Beaumel physics case (Pygmee Dipole Resonance) * Remove useless detector declarations in gaspHyde.detector file * Add NPOptionManager->Destroy in Simulation.cc
- Dec 22, 2010
deserevi authored
+ NPS and NPA are consistent in case of Trapezoid shape placed in cartesian coordinates. + This should be checked when Trapezoid shape is placed in spherical coordinates. * Removing old files in NPLib/Gaspard
- Dec 21, 2010
deserevi authored
------ / \ ^ / \ | v / \ | -------------- <----- u = (128,1) - (1,128) w = u x v in direction of third stage * Cartesian and spherical positioning of GaspardTrackerTrapezoid is consistent * gaspHyde.detector has been modified to take these changes into account * Stripping scheme in NPS and NPA still to be done
- Nov 16, 2010
deserevi authored
+ scripts are used to move header files, libraries to the include and lib directories + scripts are located in NPLib/scripts + liblist is know created on the fly and is removed from the NPTool package * Update NPL Makefile to include Paris and Shield detectors
- Oct 21, 2010
deserevi authored
--------------- ^ \ / | v u = (128,1) - (1,1) \ / | v = (1,128) - (1,1) \ / <------ \ / u and w = u x v in direction ------- of third stage * gaspHyde geometry is now well-defined * Stripping scheme in NPS and NPA still to be done
deserevi authored
+ new positioning method in cartesian coordinates: w = u x v where u = (128,1) - (1,1) v = (1,128) - (1,1) comment: this differs from Must2 positioning scheme where w = v x u + this ensures a full consistency between simulations and analysis when GaspardTrackerDummyShape is positioned at the *same* place with cartesion or spherical coordinates + this was checked with a GaspardTrackerDummyShape module at R = 100, THETA = 180 and PHI = 0 * Add support in NPA for GaspardTrackerSquare shape + same changes as for GaspardTrackerDummyShape both in NPS and NPA + full consistency is achieved when GaspardTrackerModule are positioned at the *same* place with cartesian or spherical coordinates + this was checked with the barrel of the gaspHyde geometry * Misc: + remove compilation warnings in ParisCluster + begin work on GaspardTrackerTrapezoid (NPS + NPA)
- Oct 13, 2010
deserevi authored
* Clean GaspardTrackerTrapezoidi.cc and GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc code + remove dummy code for aluminium dead layer + adapt variable names for gaspard detecor * ParisPhoswich: remove compilation warning