- Dec 23, 2010
- Dec 22, 2010
deserevi authored
- Dec 23, 2010
- Dec 22, 2010
matta authored
- Bug in NPNucleus fixed - Bug strip numerotation on Gaspard Annular - Bug on numeric limit fixed by adding #include<limits> header
deserevi authored
+ when finding a specific isotope, the size of the symbol is now taken into account: 31S and 31S are now well treated for example.
deserevi authored
* Add screen outputs for Gaspard NPA
deserevi authored
+ NPS and NPA are consistent in case of Trapezoid shape placed in cartesian coordinates. + This should be checked when Trapezoid shape is placed in spherical coordinates. * Removing old files in NPLib/Gaspard
- Dec 21, 2010
deserevi authored
------ / \ ^ / \ | v / \ | -------------- <----- u = (128,1) - (1,128) w = u x v in direction of third stage * Cartesian and spherical positioning of GaspardTrackerTrapezoid is consistent * gaspHyde.detector has been modified to take these changes into account * Stripping scheme in NPS and NPA still to be done
- Dec 02, 2010
matta authored
- Nov 26, 2010
matta authored
- Nov 25, 2010
matta authored
- User can now edit a ConfigSSSD.dat file in order to disable channel
- Nov 24, 2010
matta authored
- Nov 19, 2010
matta authored
* code is now coherente with EvaluateInitialEnergy function
- Nov 18, 2010
- Nov 17, 2010
matta authored
- A singleton class to make more easy to use NPTool Prog. - Class is implemented and tested on one Ananlysis Project
deserevi authored
+ makefile.sh script added + this script loop on all sub-directories containing a Makefile and run it.
deserevi authored
+ header files are copied to include dir before creating the objects
- Nov 16, 2010
deserevi authored
+ scripts are used to move header files, libraries to the include and lib directories + scripts are located in NPLib/scripts + liblist is know created on the fly and is removed from the NPTool package * Update NPL Makefile to include Paris and Shield detectors
- Nov 15, 2010
matta authored
- Explicite constructor and destructor implementation were needed by root to allow the .so librairy to be load - Class as been tested in a Macro and is now working - Test on a tree to be perform
matta authored
- Adding generation of the root Dictionnary in the makefile of Tools directory - Fixing Namespace problem, now TagManager is NPTagManager class
matta authored
- Class is implemented and file are added - Class need to be tested befor adding to the dev branch
- Oct 21, 2010
deserevi authored
+ new positioning method in cartesian coordinates: w = u x v where u = (128,1) - (1,1) v = (1,128) - (1,1) comment: this differs from Must2 positioning scheme where w = v x u + this ensures a full consistency between simulations and analysis when GaspardTrackerDummyShape is positioned at the *same* place with cartesion or spherical coordinates + this was checked with a GaspardTrackerDummyShape module at R = 100, THETA = 180 and PHI = 0 * Add support in NPA for GaspardTrackerSquare shape + same changes as for GaspardTrackerDummyShape both in NPS and NPA + full consistency is achieved when GaspardTrackerModule are positioned at the *same* place with cartesian or spherical coordinates + this was checked with the barrel of the gaspHyde geometry * Misc: + remove compilation warnings in ParisCluster + begin work on GaspardTrackerTrapezoid (NPS + NPA)
- Oct 18, 2010
matta authored
- this optional folder of analysis project is there to hold the configuration file of each detector. - Each of this file hold value that can be set-up for custom analysis (threshold,...) as well as the channel that should be turned of
matta authored
- Using a PreTreat to desactivate some telescopes, channel or layer - New way of treating time for CsI and SiLi. The time is not always code to avoid problem with SiLi Orsay that use standard electronic instead of MUST2 ASIC *Updating Modification date of a couple of file
- Oct 13, 2010
deserevi authored
* Clean GaspardTrackerTrapezoidi.cc and GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc code + remove dummy code for aluminium dead layer + adapt variable names for gaspard detecor * ParisPhoswich: remove compilation warning
- Oct 12, 2010
deserevi authored
+ add reliable scorer functionality for theta and phi strips in NPS + add theta and phi strips position determination in NPL * Status: + Analysis is working well, except that excitation energy, when using the strips, is reconstructed -20 keV off.
- Oct 11, 2010
deserevi authored
+ Theta and Phi strips are added * Cosmetic changes in AnnularS1.cc
- Oct 08, 2010
deserevi authored
+ A lot of work has been done + TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew class This class now *only* hold the physical information as calculated from NPAnalysis. + Status: running NPAnalysis gives the same results with the new structure than before in case of the gaspardTestSpheric detector (only one shape) + Everything is prepared for multi-shape but whould be tested
- Oct 07, 2010
deserevi authored
+ TGaspardTrackerDummyShape.{h,cxx} and TGaspardTrackerTrapezoid.{h,cxx} added These classes will deal with reading the configuration, calculating the geometry and building physical events. + TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew.{h,cxx} This class holds the TGaspardTrackerData class and knows all the detectors to analyze through a map relating the detector number and the corresponding TGaspardTrackerModule object. * Status: Configuration files with heterogeneous shapes are read and the map is filled correctly
- Oct 01, 2010
deserevi authored
be hold
- Sep 28, 2010
deserevi authored
- mainly adds support for solid D2 cryogenic target
deserevi authored
+ NPLib - Add TParisPhysics.{h,cxx} class - Add Paris.{h,cxx} class + NPSimulation - Add Cluster class for Paris - Add Shields classes for Paris - Add scorers - Add reaction chamber class (Chamber.{hh,cc}) + NPAnalysis - Add framework for analysings the results of the G4 simulation + Inputs - Add a lot of different Paris geometrical files
- May 11, 2010
matta authored
- Token in NPLib now fit the one of NPS - No more error in NPA initialisation of the detector configuration
- Mar 30, 2010
matta authored
- No strip inversion...
- Mar 29, 2010
matta authored
- Now things are coherent with notation - Problem come from confusion in MUST2 local referencial: U is analog to Y, V to X axis
- Feb 23, 2010
matta authored