- Oct 13, 2010
deserevi authored
* Clean GaspardTrackerTrapezoidi.cc and GaspardTrackerAnnular.cc code + remove dummy code for aluminium dead layer + adapt variable names for gaspard detecor * ParisPhoswich: remove compilation warning
- Oct 12, 2010
deserevi authored
+ add reliable scorer functionality for theta and phi strips in NPS + add theta and phi strips position determination in NPL * Status: + Analysis is working well, except that excitation energy, when using the strips, is reconstructed -20 keV off.
- Oct 11, 2010
deserevi authored
+ Theta and Phi strips are added * Cosmetic changes in AnnularS1.cc
- Oct 08, 2010
deserevi authored
+ A lot of work has been done + TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew class This class now *only* hold the physical information as calculated from NPAnalysis. + Status: running NPAnalysis gives the same results with the new structure than before in case of the gaspardTestSpheric detector (only one shape) + Everything is prepared for multi-shape but whould be tested
- Oct 07, 2010
deserevi authored
+ TGaspardTrackerDummyShape.{h,cxx} and TGaspardTrackerTrapezoid.{h,cxx} added These classes will deal with reading the configuration, calculating the geometry and building physical events. + TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew.{h,cxx} This class holds the TGaspardTrackerData class and knows all the detectors to analyze through a map relating the detector number and the corresponding TGaspardTrackerModule object. * Status: Configuration files with heterogeneous shapes are read and the map is filled correctly
- Oct 01, 2010
deserevi authored
be hold
- Sep 28, 2010
deserevi authored
- mainly adds support for solid D2 cryogenic target
- Feb 23, 2010
matta authored
- Jan 22, 2010
deserevi authored
- Dec 02, 2009
deserevi authored
- Effect of beam tracker is now taken into account * Add new cross-section files
- Oct 02, 2013
- Oct 09, 2009
deserevi authored
- Sep 23, 2009
deserevi authored
- case for TInitialConditions, TInteractionCoordinates, TGaspardTrackerData and TPlasticData - one method was added: void Clear(const Option_t*) {}; - one method was modified: void Dump() const;
- Oct 02, 2013
Unknown authored
No commit message
- Sep 18, 2009
deserevi authored
- Take into account energy loss in the target for reconstruction of the excitation energy - change makefile to recompile when header files are changed * Clean some part of the code to remove warnings at compilation time
- Sep 16, 2009
deserevi authored
- This is useful for elastic scattering studies * Add CH2 material for target definition
- Sep 14, 2009
deserevi authored
* Change ushort for unsigned short in *.cc files
- Sep 11, 2009
- Sep 10, 2009
deserevi authored
- Sep 01, 2009