- Mar 13, 2011
deserevi authored
environment variables. * The $NPTOOL env. variable is now the only one to be defined for running the project. * Add comments in the $NPTOOL/NPLib/liblist file to specify that this file is created automatically.
- Feb 17, 2011
matta authored
- MakeFriendTrees("RunToRead1","RunToRead2") - can be called within CINT
- Jan 20, 2011
deserevi authored
+ if NPLib was not compiled, error concerning libVDetector.so loading was obtained when starting ROOT (now fixed).
- Jan 14, 2011
matta authored
- Jan 13, 2011
matta authored
- Put all threshold as an option through configMUST2.dat - Add better support for matching between strip and cristal/pad - Add option to set the cristal / pad size - Add option to ignore in data event between cristal/pad - Renaming Namespace to avoid conflict - Renaming variable to be consistent * Change in TSSSDPhysics -Change the routine for configSSSD.dat, consistent with MUST2 * Change filllibdir.h - Remove NPToolLogon_C.so from lib dir to avoid error message on linux
- Jan 12, 2011
deserevi authored
- Jan 10, 2011
deserevi authored
+ return to initial directory now uses the gSystem->cd() method + change InitNPTool fucntion name for NPToolLogon (it was now compiling on Mac os X) * Update some doc files to explain logic of NPToolLogon.C * Fix bug in ControlSimu.C
- Jan 07, 2011
matta authored
matta authored
- no the current directory stay the main directory - quiet mode can be call - a function is compiled in order to support cout on all platforme
deserevi authored
when a ROOT session starts. + header directory (NPLib/include) is declared + libraries in NPLib/lib are loaded * new version of the rootlogon.C file calling the NPToolLogon.C script.
- Dec 21, 2010
deserevi authored
------ / \ ^ / \ | v / \ | -------------- <----- u = (128,1) - (1,128) w = u x v in direction of third stage * Cartesian and spherical positioning of GaspardTrackerTrapezoid is consistent * gaspHyde.detector has been modified to take these changes into account * Stripping scheme in NPS and NPA still to be done
- Nov 17, 2010
deserevi authored
+ makefile.sh script added + this script loop on all sub-directories containing a Makefile and run it.
- Nov 16, 2010
deserevi authored
+ scripts are used to move header files, libraries to the include and lib directories + scripts are located in NPLib/scripts + liblist is know created on the fly and is removed from the NPTool package * Update NPL Makefile to include Paris and Shield detectors