- Feb 17, 2011
- Feb 16, 2011
matta authored
matta authored
matta authored
* Adding Calibration Macro for Must2 in the macro folder in NPA must2
matta authored
- Template can be used also to make physical tree, so it is renamed MakePhysicalTree
matta authored
- Limited Test only e530 data - Class may need future update to fit NPTool Standard
deserevi authored
+ Add HalfOpenAngleMin and HalfOpenAngleMax token in Transfert* files to take into account correctly the case where the user want to specify angular range + This also takes into account cases where the cross-section file has a limited angular range
- Feb 15, 2011
deserevi authored
+ G4MultipleScattering.h headers removed for G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering, G4MuMultipleScattering
deserevi authored
deserevi authored
-install_name $(CURDIR)/ had to be removed because NPSimulation was not executing anymore * New Makefile and file arrangements for Gaspard in NPAnalysis
- Feb 11, 2011
matta authored
- Calibration Manager is now called inside the detector manager - Code is ligther in NPA without explicit call of the Calibration Manager * Still a error message remain while launching the Template - Dont know where but he try to read the EG file somewhere inside the RootInput....
matta authored
matta authored
-Test on different machine need to be done
matta authored
- further test need to be done to test the new way to acces detector via the detector manager * the map of detector manager is now private and acces via a GetDetector Method - If the detector does not exist, the programm issued an error message and exit
matta authored
* Fixing mistake in NPEnvironment.tchrc * Adding a new line in NPS makefile to avoid problem with some G4 installation
- Feb 09, 2011
- Feb 08, 2011
- Feb 07, 2011
deserevi authored
deserevi authored
deserevi authored
and '802cef48394fd0dea85f01e056b56e4e3197fe4d'
matta authored
matta authored
matta authored
matta authored
matta authored
* Adding line for avoiding warning when compiling NPS
deserevi authored
deserevi authored
deserevi authored
and 'faa47b9ee06b867004fb69432b0c45acb9f9eb86'
matta authored
deserevi authored
deserevi authored
instead of int
deserevi authored
* Move CalibrationManager class to the Tools directory in NPL
deserevi authored
directory in NPLib
matta authored
deserevi authored