/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 this file is part of the NPTool Project * * * * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence * * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Original Author: N. de Sereville contact address: deserevi@ipno.in2p3.fr * * * * Creation Date : 01/09/09 * * Last update : 16/11/10 * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Decription: * * This file describes the content of the NPLib directory * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Comment: * * 16/11/10: added scripts directory description * * 01/09/10: added Shield of PARIS * * 04/12/09: added PARIS array * *****************************************************************************/ This directory contains a set of libraries which are used both in the NPSimulation and the NPAnalysis modules. The structure of this directory is: NPLib / include / lib / scripts / IORoot / Tools + Physics / InitialConditions / InteractionCoordinates / CalibrationManager / DummyDetector / MUST2 / AnnularS1 / GASPARD / Paris / Shield / VDetector / W1 / HYDE A description of each directory follows. I) include directory When compiling NPLib (see INSTALL file) all the headers of the libraries are copied to this directory II) lib directory When compiling NPLib (see INSTALL file) all the shared libraries are copied to this directory III) scripts This directory contains several scripts used in the global Makefile and for initializing ROOT. IV) IORoot This directory includes one library: libIORoot.so This library contains two singleton classes (RootOutput and RootInput) used both in NPSimulation and NPAnalysis. These classes are used to deal with the input and output ROOT files and trees. V) Tools + Physics VI) InitialConditions This directory includes one library: libInitialConditions.so This library records all the information concerning the event generators, e.g. vertex of interaction, angles of emitted particles... This class derives from TObject (ROOT) and its aim is to be stored in the output TTree of the G4 simulation VII) InteractionCoordinates This directory includes one library: libInteractionCoordinates.so This library mainly records the coordinates of interaction between a particle and a detector. This class derives from TObject (ROOT) and its aim is to be stored in the output TTree of the G4 simulation. VIII) CalibrationManager This directory includes one library: libCalibrationManager.so This folder contain the the class object for managing calibration file. A caliration manager singleton is instantiate in NPAnalysis project. IX) DummyDetector This directory includes one library: libDUMMYDetector.so This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the example detector DummyDetector. X) MUST2 This directory includes two libraries: libMust2Data.so libMust2Physics.so libMust2Data.so: This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the Must2 detector. The format mimics what was used for the GANIL experiments after conversion of the raw data with GRU. Ask N. de Sereville for more informations. libMust2Physics.so: This library deals with the treatment applied to the ROOT output file obtained from NPSimulation. This library is *only* used by NPAnalysis. XI) AnnularS1 This directory includes one library: libAnnularS1Data.so This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the S1 detector. The format is the same as the one which is used for the GANIL experiments after conversion of the raw data with GRU. Ask N. de Sereville and J. Burgunder (burgunder@ganil.fr) for more informations. This class derives from TObject (ROOT) and its aim is to be stored in the output TTree of the G4 simulation. XII) GASPARD This directory includes two libraries: libGaspardData.so libGaspardPhysics.so libGaspardData.so: This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the tracker part of the Gaspard detector. libGaspardPhysics.so: This library deals with the treatment applied to the ROOT output file obtained from NPSimulation. This library is *only* used by NPAnalysis. XIII) Paris This directory includes tow library: libParisData.so libParisPhysics.so libParisData.so This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the Paris detector. libParisPhysics.so This library deals with the treatment applied to the ROOT output file obtained from NPSimulation. This library is *only* used by NPAnalysis. XIV) Shield This directory includes two library: libShieldData.so libShieldPhysics.so libShieldData.so This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the Shield of PARIS. libShieldPhysics.so This library deals with the treatment applied to the ROOT output file obtained from NPSimulation. This library is *only* used by NPAnalysis. XV) VDetector This directory includes two libraries: libVDetector.so libDetectorManager.so libVDetector.so: VDetector is a virtual class used for analysis purpose. It comes with several standard methods definition called in the analysis programm automatically. Those method need to be implemented for each detector inheritted from the VDetector class. libDetectorManager.so: DetectorManager is a class that manages a vector of VDetector and call their common functions. XVI) W1 This directory includes two libraries: libW1Data.so libW1Physics.so libW1Data.so: This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the W1 (Micron) detector. libW1Physics.so: This library deals with the treatment applied to the ROOT output file obtained from NPSimulation. This library is *only* used by NPAnalysis. XVII) HYDE This directory includes two libraries: libHydeData.so libHydePhysics.so libHydeData.so: This library stores the results of the G4 simulation for the tracker part of the Hyde detector. libHydePhysics.so: This library deals with the treatment applied to the ROOT output file obtained from NPSimulation. This library is *only* used by NPAnalysis.