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  1. Jan 04, 2022
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Do not broadcast when opening SHPC · 2905904d
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      It was confusing to mix opening an SHPC with broadcasting some part of
      the resulting shpc variable.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Change lower bound of `ishape_last` to `d_init` · d2b5c537
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Note that we then have to declare `d_init` before `ishape_last` in
      procedure `get_snapshot`.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Move reading of `d_init` up · 400c7d7a
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Before reading `ishape_last`, because we are going to use `d_init` as
      lower bound of `ishape_last`.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Do not use a second, 0-based, date index · 43d2eff6
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      We are reverting commit e48b7f7e. I think I did not really appreciate
      then that the number of days since 1950-1-1 is another date index. It
      is clearer to use just one date index, which is in the dbf files. So,
      in effect, we replace everywhere the old 0-based date index k by `k -
      d_init`. Note that we no longer need argument `d_init` for procedure
      `dispatch_snapshot` and we no longer need to write `d_init` to file
      `node_id_param.json`. Note also that the value of every node index
      changes by the amount `d_init * e_overestim`.
  2. Jul 26, 2021
  3. Jul 19, 2021
  4. Jul 12, 2021
  5. Jul 01, 2021
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Add test on `k_test_[12]` · acdc28ae
      Lionel GUEZ authored
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Write file `node_id_param.json` · 502d4b90
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Write file `node_id_param.json` from programs `test_overlap` and `eddy_graph`.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Write node indices · c3052a2c
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Write node indices instead of dates and eddy indices in
      edgelist. Compute `e_overestim` from `ishape_last`. Remove header
      lines of edgelist. See commit 3370733a. Replace argument d of procedure
      overlap by arguments `e_overestim` and k.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Polish · 757bad90
      Lionel GUEZ authored
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Remove component `number_eddies` of snapshot · a24e8dfd
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Remove component `number_eddies` of derived type snapshot. It was the
      same as `number_vis_extr` since there are no interpolated eddies any longer.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Do not write interpolated eddies · 50d2f596
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      This is a big change, a big simplification. Creating interpolated
      eddies was the way of Alexis Chaigneau. Rémi L. thinks it is no longer
      So remove procedure `init_interpolated_eddy`; do not create SHPC for
      interpolated eddies in programs `eddy_graph`, `test_overlap` and
      `test_write_overlap`; remove argument `hshp_interp` of procedure
      overlap; remove arguments `hshp_interp`, m, cyclone, `coord_extr_1`,
      `ssh_extr_1`, `coord_extr_2` and `ssh_extr_2` of procedure
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Redefine `k_test_[12]` as date indices · 664f62bb
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Redefine `k_test_[12]` as date indices (0-based) instead of dates.
  6. Jun 29, 2021
  7. Jun 22, 2021
  8. Jun 17, 2021
  9. Jun 15, 2021
  10. Mar 30, 2021
  11. Mar 24, 2021
  12. Mar 02, 2021
  13. Feb 26, 2021
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Split arborescence into `Inst_eddies` and Overlap · 56150231
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Also split the tests, Fortran source files, Python files and JSon
      files. Keep at the top level the files used in both `Inst_eddies` and
      Motivations for the split:
      - The top directory contained many files.
      - It may be useful to compile only one of the two sub-projects. For
      example, only `Inst_eddies` on Ciclad, where MPI 3 is not available.
  14. Feb 05, 2021
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Group `new_unit` and open · 268d9915
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Group `new_unit` and open in the same procedure, that we rename from
      `set_unit_edge` to `open_edge_file`. This removes the need for a
      special version of `new_unit` and it is closer to the use of the
      `new_unit` keyword in Fortran 2008.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Polish · e1743a2e
      Lionel GUEZ authored
  15. Feb 03, 2021
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Split edge-list in 2 for cyclones and anticyclones · df2b397d
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      This makes the program `eddy_graph` heavier but it makes sense because
      there can be no connection between the two graphs, and we need to make
      the graphs as small as possible for large spatio-temporal domains.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Create module `unit_edge_m` for `unit_edgelist` · 5413e683
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      `unit_edgelist` was just transmitted by procedure overlap from main
      program unit to `write_overlap`. So now overlap does not see
      `unit_edgelist`. Further motivation: we are going to split the edge
      list file into two files.
  16. Jul 21, 2020
  17. Jun 15, 2020
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Create `` · c58c21b7
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Replace `` by ``. Instead of
      looping on years, we assume we are working on a single year. We could
      call this script inside a loop on years in the shell. The advantage is
      that we need to make fewer assumptions on the arborescence of
      files. Also, we can make `` more general by
      starting and ending at arbitrary days. We drop the timing that was in
      ``. We add the creation of file `ishape_last.txt`.
      In script ``, assume that the directories contain
      files `ishape_last.txt` and modify `ishape_last.txt` in the
      destination directory.
      In program `test_overlap`, read grid description from a file
      `grid_nml.txt` in SHP triplet directory, instead of from standard
      input. This is the same modification we made for program
      `eddy_graph`. Modify input files accordingly.
  18. Apr 27, 2020
  19. Apr 16, 2020