- Apr 06, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
Apart from the fact that `Global_1993_2021` was obtained with a more recent version of the code, there is not much point in keeping a separate experience for the year 1993.
- Mar 23, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
Instead of symbolic links. We want to avoid creating symbolic links above SHPC because we want to run several instances of `inst_eddies` in parallel.
Lionel GUEZ authored
So the script can write to a slice other than 0.
- Feb 20, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Bug fix: do not provide standard input for `inst_eddies_Aviso.py`, it does not read it.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Use out_cont%closed instead.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
This avoids copying `cont_list(n_cont)` to `out_cont` if it has insufficient area.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add dummy arguments `cont_list` and `n_cont` to `get_1_outerm`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Because we are going to add another intent out argument.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Remember that we do not write invalid eddies to shapefiles, so there are no null shapes in `outermost_contour.shp`. So, in order to predict the size of output, the interesting statistics is the number of points divided by the number of non-null outermost contours.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Because the numbering changed when we decided not to write invalid eddies.
- Feb 06, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
I do not remember why I chose to write to standard error. First it is clearer to write only error messages to standard error. Second the order of messages on standard error coming from the Fortran code and from the shapelib C library does not seem deterministic, and this is annoying to compare runs.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Because the numbering changed when we decided not to write invalid eddies.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Because `$tests_old_dir/Extraction_eddies_region_5/SHPC` is opened with `SHPC_class` in test `Plot_eddy_contours_window`, which will create `n_slices.txt`, so there will always be this file only in `$tests_old_dir/Extraction_eddies_region_5/SHPC`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
We import in the test infrastructure the experiment `Inst_eddies_4` because we want to no longer keep invalid contours, so we will need to update the experiment.
- Jan 25, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
As `grid_lon_lat` may be false, we define `e%extr%coord_proj`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
I do not see why this was not done in commit 24b5b079.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
This shortens the file `test_get_1_outerm.f90`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
We will need this new shapefile in program `eddy_graph` only for a non longitude-latitude grid. We add a new dummy argument `grid_lon_lat` to procedure `shpc_create` to decide whether we create the shapefile `extr_proj`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add component `innermost_level` to derived type eddy. So `innermost_level` does not transit as an argument through main program unit `inst_eddies` any longer.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Extract definition of extrema from procedure `set_all_outerm` into new procedure `set_all_extr`. So we are reverting part of commit f5f4298d. The drawback, for now, is that `innermost_level` has to transit in the main program unit from `set_all_extr` to `set_all_outerm`.
- Nov 22, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Rename file `test_write_eddy.f90` to `test_write_null.f90`. The name was badly chosen because the program is not a unit test of procedure `write_eddy`. In fact, it does not even call `write_eddy`.
- Nov 21, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Use relative path to Overlap from `Inst_eddies/Tests`. For symmetry with what we do in `Overlap/Tests`. So now the directories Overlap and `Inst_eddies` can be added from the top-level `CMakeLists.txt` in either order.
- Oct 21, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Following update of NetCDF95.
- Oct 14, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Update `CMakeLists.txt` files to take into account commit 3289c070.
Lionel GUEZ authored
We are trying to define clearly the directories and what Fortran files they should contain: - `Inst_eddies`: May only contain program units which make up the program `inst_eddies`. If a program unit does not go into `inst_eddies`, it should not be here. Not all program units going into `inst_eddies` must be here: some could be in directory Common. - `Inst_eddies/Tests`: Main programs of unit tests for procedures in directory `Inst_eddies`. Plus procedures used only in these unit tests. - `Overlap`: May only contain program units which make up the program `eddy_graph`. If a program unit does not go into `eddy_graph`, it should not be here. Not all program units going into `eddy_graph` must be here: some could be in directory Common. - `Overlap/Tests`: Main programs of unit tests for procedures in directory `Overlap`. Plus procedures used only in these unit tests. - Common: Procedures that are used in both programs `inst_eddies` and `eddy_graph`. - Common/Tests: Main programs of unit tests for procedures in directory `Common`. Plus procedures used only in these unit tests. Plus procedures used in unit tests of both `Inst_eddies` and `Overlap` directories but not used in either program `inst_eddies` nor `eddy_graph`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Remove dummy arguments nlon, nlat, corner, step of procedure `read_snapshot`, use module variables instead. Note that we keep copy as a dummy argument instead of using the variable of module `config_graph_m`, because we want the procedure `read_snapshot` to be usable outside of the `eddy_graph` program.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add `config_graph.f90`and `read_grid.F90` to lists of source files.