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Commit a6bcfad0 authored by Hugo Jacob's avatar Hugo Jacob
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Adding MUST2 pixel calibration with npcalibration

parent 07a0a70a
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1 merge request!27Draft: [Epic] Preparation of the environement for the new GaseousDetectorScorers...
Pipeline #308685 passed
......@@ -871,6 +871,22 @@ TMust2Physics::Match_Si_CsI(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> A
return Array_of_matches;
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> TMust2Physics::GetPixel(std::pair<int,std::pair <unsigned int, unsigned int>> match){
if(m_CsI_Size%PixelSize != 0)
std::cout << "WARNING: Your current Pixel Size: " << PixelSize << " does not divide your CsI size: " << m_CsI_Size << ". The actual size of the pixels may be dubious." << std::endl;
unsigned int CsINbr = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMCsIECristalNbr(match.first);
double CsIPosX = m_CsI_MatchingX[CsINbr-1] + 0.5;
double CsIPosY = m_CsI_MatchingY[CsINbr-1] + 0.5;
double StripX = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEStripNbr(match.second.first);
double StripY = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripYEStripNbr(match.second.second);
double FirstPixelX = CsIPosX - m_CsI_Size/2.;
double FirstPixelY = CsIPosY - m_CsI_Size/2.;
unsigned int PixelNumber = (int)((StripX - FirstPixelX)/((double)PixelSize)) + (m_CsI_Size/PixelSize)*(int)((StripY - FirstPixelY)/((double)PixelSize));
// std::cout << CsINbr << " " << PixelNumber << " " << StripX << " " << StripY << " " << CsINbr << std::endl;
return std::make_pair(CsINbr,PixelNumber);
void TMust2Physics::Clear() {
EventMultiplicity = 0;
......@@ -1030,7 +1046,7 @@ void TMust2Physics::ReadDoCalibration(NPL::InputParser parser) {
vector<string> calibs = {"TelescopeNumber", "Time", "Energy", "CSI"};
vector<string> EnergyParameters = {"TelescopeNumber", "XThreshold", "YThreshold", "AlphaFitType"};
vector<string> CSIParameters = {"TelescopeNumber", "CsIEnergyXThreshold", "CsIEnergyYThreshold", "CSIEThreshold","SiThickness","AlThickness","X1_Y1", "X1_Y128", "X128_Y1", "X128_Y128","CalPixel"};
vector<string> CSIParameters = {"TelescopeNumber", "CsIEnergyXThreshold", "CsIEnergyYThreshold", "CSIEThreshold","SiThickness","AlThickness","X1_Y1", "X1_Y128", "X128_Y1", "X128_Y128","CalPixel","PixelSize"};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) {
if (blocks[i]->HasTokenList(calibs)) {
......@@ -1097,6 +1113,7 @@ void TMust2Physics::ReadDoCalibration(NPL::InputParser parser) {
if (NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel())
cout << endl << "//// CSI Calibration parameters for MUST2 Telescope " << TelescopeNumber << endl;
Cal_Pixel[TelescopeNumber] = (CSIblocks[i]->GetInt("CalPixel") == 1);
PixelSize = CSIblocks[i]->GetInt("PixelSize");
CSIEnergyXThreshold[TelescopeNumber] = CSIblocks[i]->GetInt("CsIEnergyXThreshold");
CSIEnergyYThreshold[TelescopeNumber] = CSIblocks[i]->GetInt("CsIEnergyYThreshold");
CSIEThreshold[TelescopeNumber] = CSIblocks[i]->GetInt("CSIEThreshold");
......@@ -1574,11 +1591,28 @@ void TMust2Physics::InitializeRootHistogramsCSIF(Int_t DetectorNumber) {
std::cout << CutName << " " << cFileName << " " << CutsPath + cFileName << "\n";
htitleCSIE = Form("%s_MM%u_CSI%u", ParticleType[i].c_str(), DetectorNumber, j + 1);
(*TH2Map)["MUST2"][CutName] = new TH2F(CutName, htitleCSIE, 2048, 8192, 16384, 2000, 0, 200);
(*TH2Map)["MUST2"][CutName] = new TH2S(CutName, htitleCSIE, 1024, 8192, 16384, 800, 0, 200);
if((*TFileMap)["MUST2"][CutName] = new TFile(CutsPath+cFileName))
(*TCutGMap)["MUST2"][CutName] = (TCutG*)(*TFileMap)["MUST2"][CutName]->FindObjectAny(CutName);
std::cout << "Initializing Pixel Calib for detector " << DetectorNumber << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleTypePixel.size(); i++) {
if(m_CsI_Size%PixelSize != 0)
std::cout << "WARNING: Your current Pixel Size: " << PixelSize << " does not divide your CsI size: " << m_CsI_Size << ". The actual size of the pixels may be dubious." << std::endl;
unsigned int PixelNumber = (m_CsI_Size/PixelSize)*(m_CsI_Size/PixelSize);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < PixelNumber; k++) {
// std::cout << ParticleTypePixel[i] << "\n";
TString HistName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u_Pixel%u", ParticleTypePixel[i].c_str(), DetectorNumber, j + 1, k);
htitleCSIE = Form("%s_MM%u_CSI%u_Pixel%u", ParticleTypePixel[i].c_str(), DetectorNumber, j + 1, k);
(*TH2Map)["MUST2"][HistName] = new TH2S(HistName, htitleCSIE, 1024, 8192, 16384, 800, 0, 200);
......@@ -1736,8 +1770,7 @@ void TMust2Physics::FillHistogramsCalibCSIF() {
TVector3 HitDirection = GetPositionOfInteraction(0) - BeamImpact;
double ThetaM2Surface = HitDirection.Angle(-GetTelescopeNormal(0));
if (DoCalibrationCsI.find(DetN) != DoCalibrationCsI.end()) {
if (DoCalibrationCsI.find(DetN) != DoCalibrationCsI.end() && DoCalibrationCsI[DetN] == 1) {
double SiXE = m_PreTreatedData->GetMMStripXEEnergy(Xindex);
......@@ -1779,21 +1812,29 @@ void TMust2Physics::FillHistogramsCalibCSIF() {
if ((*TCutGMap)["MUST2"][CutName] != 0 &&
(*TCutGMap)["MUST2"][CutName]->IsInside(CSIE, StripXEnergy_O)) {
// if(Match_Pixel(Si_X_Strip, Si_Y_Strip, Cristal)){
// std::string CutName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u", ParticleType[i].c_str(), CSIDetNbr, Cristal);
// }
double E_from_delta_E = ParticleSi[ParticleType[i].c_str()]->EvaluateEnergyFromDeltaE(
SiXE, SiThickness[DetN], ThetaM2Surface, 6.0 * MeV, 300.0 * MeV, 0.001 * MeV, 10000);
double E_from_delta_E = ParticleSi[ParticleType[i].c_str()]->EvaluateEnergyFromDeltaE(
SiXE, SiThickness[DetN], ThetaM2Surface, 6.0 * MeV, 300.0 * MeV, 0.001 * MeV, 10000);
(*TH2Map)["MUST2"][CutName]->Fill(CSIE, E_from_delta_E- SiXE);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleTypePixel.size(); i++) {
TString CutName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u", ParticleTypePixel[i].c_str(), DetN, CSIN);
if ((*TCutGMap)["MUST2"][CutName] != 0 &&
(*TCutGMap)["MUST2"][CutName]->IsInside(CSIE, StripXEnergy_O)) {
double E_from_delta_E = ParticleSi[ParticleTypePixel[i].c_str()]->EvaluateEnergyFromDeltaE(
SiXE, SiThickness[DetN], ThetaM2Surface, 6.0 * MeV, 300.0 * MeV, 0.001 * MeV, 10000);
auto pixel = GetPixel(event);
TString HistName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u_Pixel%u", ParticleTypePixel[i].c_str(), DetN, CSIN, pixel.second);
(*TH2Map)["MUST2"][HistName]->Fill(CSIE, E_from_delta_E- SiXE);
TString hnameCSIE = Form("hMM%d_SiThickness", DetN);
......@@ -1896,6 +1937,13 @@ void TMust2Physics::WriteHistogramsCSIF() {
TString CutName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u", ParticleType[i].c_str(), it->first, j);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ParticleTypePixel.size(); i++) {
unsigned int PixelNumber = (m_CsI_Size/PixelSize)*(m_CsI_Size/PixelSize);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < PixelNumber; k++) {
TString HistName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u_Pixel%u", ParticleTypePixel[i].c_str(), it->first, j, k);
......@@ -2521,10 +2569,7 @@ void TMust2Physics::DoCalibrationTimeF(Int_t DetectorNumber) {}
void TMust2Physics::DoCalibrationCsIF(Int_t DetectorNumber) {
gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;
TF1* Gaus = new TF1("Gaus", "gaus", 0, 200);
TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "pol1", 8192, 16384);
TF1* f2 = new TF1("f2", "pol3", 8192, 16384);
// TF1* f3 = new TF1("f3","[0] + [1]*(x-8192) + [2]*(x-[3])*(x-[3])/(1+exp([3] - x)/[4])", 8192, 16384);
TF1* f3 = new TF1("f3","[0] + (x-8192)*([1] + [4]/(1+exp(([2]-x)/[3])))", 8192, 16384);
TF1* f4 = new TF1("f4", "pol5", 8192, 16384);
auto File = new TFile("./FitSlices.root", "RECREATE");
......@@ -2540,8 +2585,6 @@ void TMust2Physics::DoCalibrationCsIF(Int_t DetectorNumber) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= NbCSI; i++) {
TString CutName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u", ParticleType[j].c_str(), DetectorNumber, i);
TString htitleCSIE = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u", ParticleType[j].c_str(), DetectorNumber, i);
// f4->SetParameters(-15000, 5.0,-0.0003, -5e-8, 8e-12, -3e-16);
f4->SetParLimits(5, 1e-17, 1e-15);
double a = 0;
double b = 0;
double c = 0;
......@@ -2565,6 +2608,41 @@ void TMust2Physics::DoCalibrationCsIF(Int_t DetectorNumber) {
*calib_file << ParticleType[j].c_str() << "_MUST2_T" << DetectorNumber << "_CsI" << i << "_E " << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << d << " " << e << " " << f<< endl;
if(Cal_Pixel[DetectorNumber] && std::find(ParticleTypePixel.begin(),ParticleTypePixel.end(),ParticleType[j])!=ParticleTypePixel.end()){
unsigned int PixelNumber = (m_CsI_Size/PixelSize)*(m_CsI_Size/PixelSize);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < PixelNumber; k++) {
CutName = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u_Pixel%u", ParticleType[j].c_str(), DetectorNumber, i,k);
htitleCSIE = Form("%s_hMM%u_CSI%u_Pixel%u", ParticleType[j].c_str(), DetectorNumber, i,k);
a = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
d = 0;
e = 0;
f = 0;
if ((*TH2Map)["MUST2"][CutName] != 0) {
std::cout << "Fit on CSI " << i << " Pixel " << k << " Detector " << DetectorNumber << " with particle " << ParticleType[j] << std::endl;
int Res = -1;
Res = (*TH2Map)["MUST2"][CutName]->Fit(f4,"BFM");
std::cout << Res << std::endl;
if(Res != -1){
a = f4->GetParameter(0);
b = f4->GetParameter(1);
c = f4->GetParameter(2);
d = f4->GetParameter(3);
e = f4->GetParameter(4);
f = f4->GetParameter(5);
*calib_file << ParticleType[j].c_str() << "_MUST2_T" << DetectorNumber << "_CsI" << i << "_Pixel" << k << "_E " << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << d << " " << e << " " << f<< endl;
if(Cal_Pixel[DetectorNumber] && std::find(ParticleTypePixel.begin(),ParticleTypePixel.end(),ParticleType[j])!=ParticleTypePixel.end()){
*calib_file << "CsI size used for pixel cal: " << m_CsI_Size<< endl;
*calib_file << "Pixel size used for pixel cal: " << PixelSize<< endl;
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ class TMust2Physics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TMust2Physic
// Returns an array of good X,Y pairs (matching in energy)
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> Match_X_Y(); //!
// Returns a pair <CsI,pixel> if a good match is found
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> Match_Pixel(std::pair <unsigned int, unsigned int> XY_couple,unsigned int CsI_size);//!
// Returns a pair <CsI,pixel> giving the corresponding pixel matching
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> GetPixel(std::pair<int,std::pair <unsigned int, unsigned int>> match);//!
bool Match_Si_CsI(int X, int Y, int CristalNbr, int DetectorNbr); //!
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>>
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ class TMust2Physics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TMust2Physic
// center position of the pad on Y
vector<int> m_SiLi_MatchingY; //!
// size in strip of a cristal
int m_CsI_Size; //!
unsigned int m_CsI_Size; //!
// center position of the cristal on X
vector<int> m_CsI_MatchingX; //!
std::map<int, std::pair<int, int>> m_ZeroDegree_CsI_MatchingX; //!
......@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ class TMust2Physics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TMust2Physic
bool IsCalibCSI = false; //!
bool IsCalibEnergy = false; //!
map<int,bool> Cal_Pixel; //!
unsigned int PixelSize; //!
std::map<TString, std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>> BadStrip; //!
std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<double>> AlphaSigma; //!
std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<double>> AlphaMean; //!
......@@ -428,6 +429,7 @@ class TMust2Physics : public TObject, public NPL::VDetector, public TMust2Physic
std::map<TString, NPL::EnergyLoss*> ParticleAl; //!
// std::vector<string> ParticleType{"proton","deuteron","triton","3He","alpha"};
std::vector<string> ParticleType{"proton", "deuteron", "triton", "alpha"}; //!
std::vector<string> ParticleTypePixel{"proton", "alpha"}; //!
// map<int,std::string> CalibFile;//!
NPL::EnergyLoss* Alpha_Al = nullptr;//!
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ CSICalibrationParameters
SiThickness= 301.1 um
AlThickness= 2.19 um
CalPixel= 1
PixelSize= 4
X1_Y1= -13.17 -105.07 299.38 mm
X1_Y128= -25.15 -12.87 328.18 mm
X128_Y1= -103.63 -105.68 263.74 mm
......@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ M2Telescope
TelescopeNumber= 2
Time= 0
Energy= 0
CSI= 1
CSI= 0
TelescopeNumber= 2
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ CSICalibrationParameters
SiThickness= 295 um
AlThickness= 3.98 um
CalPixel= 1
PixelSize= 4
X1_Y1= -114.9 10.05 292.57 mm
X1_Y128= -24.52 9.80 328.49 mm
X128_Y1= -103.13 102.14 263.58 mm
......@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ M2Telescope
TelescopeNumber= 3
Time= 0
Energy= 0
CSI= 1
CSI= 0
TelescopeNumber= 3
......@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ CSICalibrationParameters
SiThickness= 296.6 um
AlThickness= 2.15 um
CalPixel= 1
PixelSize= 4
X1_Y1= 12.94 101.57 300.03 mm
X1_Y128= 24.43 9.53 329.29 mm
X128_Y1= 103.23 101.34 263.86 mm
......@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ M2Telescope
TelescopeNumber= 4
Time= 0
Energy= 0
CSI= 1
CSI= 0
TelescopeNumber= 4
......@@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ CSICalibrationParameters
SiThickness= 303.2 um
AlThickness= 2.38 um
CalPixel= 1
PixelSize= 4
X1_Y1= 114.62 -13.35 292.81 mm
X1_Y128= 24.30 -13.44 328.89 mm
X128_Y1= 103.32 -105.63 264.21 mm
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